ProjectsNorthwood Subdivision

Northwood Subdivision, Hastings

Directors Karl and Matthew, along with members of the civil team, have been involved in the Northwood subdivision project since 2004. Development Nous became the primary consultant in 2016 and completed the final stages in late 2019, including the remaining 60 residential lots.
Northwood, a large greenfield subdivision spanning approximately 21ha on the urban fringe of Hastings, has over the past fifteen years provided a diverse range of real estate options, accommodating various house sizes and styles to meet the needs of the growing Hawke’s Bay population.

Professional services provided by Development Nous in the final four years of the project included planning, survey set-out, UAV mapping and photography, civil design and construction, environmental consultation (including soil testing, reporting, and remediation), and project management.


CDL Land New Zealand Ltd


Planning Resource Consent application – subdivision

Surveying topographical survey, site datum survey, scheme plans, as built and cadastral survey, title applications

Civil Engineering Master Planning, Civil design and construction

Project Management Authority administration and Civil construction and contract administration

Landscape Architecture Landscape design to streetscapes and contract administration


WSP – Geotechnical Engineers
Geosciences – NESCS Contaminated Land Assessment and Site Remediation
Surveying The Bay – Surveyors


Fulton Hogan – Civil contractors

Your Land.
Our Expertise.

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